Rajasekhar Mekala

Adobe SWE, TruckX SDE, MS CS UCI | Ex-Adobe SWE.


3375, Homestead Rd

Santa Clara, California 95051

I am a Software Developer at Adobe, currently working on Adobe Journey Optimizer. I recently graduated from the University of California, Irvine, where I focused on NLP applications in software, particularly in the field of explainability for large language models. Prior to this, I completed my B.Tech at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, with a major in Electrical Engineering and a minor in Computer Science.

In terms of my professional experience, I’ve had the opportunity to work as a full-time employee and previously interned at TruckX. Before that, I worked as a software developer at Adobe’s Techcomm division from 2018 to 2021. Additionally, I had the privilege of interning at Adobe Research’s BigData Experience Lab in 2017.

I am an avid sports enthusiast, with a particular passion for badminton. Alongside my athletic interests, I am also highly interested in studying the Indian stock market and have a constant desire to stay informed and up-to-date. As a curious individual, I am driven to connect various hypotheses and test them in practice. Generally, It deepens my understanding of this world in general and drives the pursuit of new knowledge and experiences.


Oct 28, 2023 Our paper accepted to MathAI Workshop
Aug 8, 2023 Started as software developer at TruckX
Jun 20, 2023 Graduated as a masters student at UCI
Dec 5, 2022 Attended EMNLP 2022 for the first time (Abu Dhabi) :smile:
Oct 6, 2022 Published my first system demonstration paper in NLP

selected publications

  1. MathAI
    EchoPrompt: Instructing the Model to Rephrase Queries for Improved In-context Learning
    Oct 2023
  2. EMNLP
    Snoopy: An Online Interface for Exploring the Effect of Pretraining Term Frequencies on Few-Shot LM Performance
    Y. RazeghiM. MekalaR. Logan, and 2 more authors
    Oct 2022
  3. JOSS
    SunPy: a python package for solar physics
    Stuart Mumford, Nabil Freij, Steven Christe, and 8 more authors
    Journal of Open Source Software, Oct 2020